Helping the Next Generation
Calton Athletic Recovery Group has been helping individuals recover from drug and alcohol addiction through our unique abstinence-based programme since 1985. Our main aim is to provide support through weekly recovery meetings, as well as various physical activities, both of which we believe are integral to achieve and sustain long term recovery.
Calton Athletic Recovery Group is a registered charity that is solely reliant on self-generated funds at present. We are currently providing a limited service on a voluntary capacity from rented premises in the East End of Glasgow.
Some of the activities we are involved in are:
Weekly recovery meeting & one on one support
Hill walking
Music Workshops
Drug Awareness Programme…
This project started in 1994 and has had unparalleled success in educating schoolchildren, parents and teachers.
A Look At Our History…
Calton Athletic Recovery Group was founded in 1985 in the East End of Glasgow as a football team and social club composed of recovering drug addicts.
Football Fever
The effects of playing football meant the players were physically fitter, more disciplined and felt better within themselves.
On Our Travels
17 recovering drug addicts made the planes, trains and automobiles style voyage to their first World Cup

Dedicated to change.